Here are the final 2014 totals:
# of Bushbeaters = 154
# of Feederwatchers = 335 For a total # of participants = 489
# of Partyhours = 266.15
# of Feederwatcher hours = 539.25
Total # of Species = 48
Total # of Birds = 33729
Mallard = 751
Common Goldeneye = 53
Gray Partridge = 66
Ruffed Grouse = 1
Bald Eagle = 6
Sharp-shinned Hawk = 1
Cooper's Hawk = 1
Northern Goshawk = 3
Merlin = 16
Rock Pigeon = 3335
Great Horned Owl = 8
Boreal Owl = 1
Northern Saw-Whet Owl = 4
Downy Woodpecker = 519
Hairy Woodpecker = 62
Three-toed Woodpecker = 1
Northern Flicker = 34
Pileated Woodpecker = 76
Northern Shrike = 5
Blue Jay = 591
Black-billed Magpie = 2528
American Crow = 103
Common Raven = 1098
Black-capped Chickadee = 4406
Boreal Chickadee = 47
Red-breasted Nuthatch = 473
White-breasted Nuthatch = 392
Brown Creeper = 13
Golden-crowned Kinglet = 2
Townsend's Solitaire = 5
American Robin = 22
European Starling = 135
Bohemian Waxwing = 12674
Cedar Waxwing = 14
White-throated Sparrow = 16
Dark-eyed Junco = 158
Snow Bunting = 30
Pine Grosbeak = 46
House Finch = 838
Common Redpoll = 307
Pine Siskin = 70
House Sparrow = 4744
Canada Goose = 1
Gyrfalcon = 4
Great Gray Owl = 1
Black-backed Woodpecker = 7
White-crowned Sparrow = 1
C Species RARE
Short-eared Owl = 1
in all, a great day for birding weather-wise and lots of enthusiastic
bush-beaters and feederwatchers! Keep up the good work and Happy New
Year to all!
Kim Blomme
Edmonton Compiler