Friday, 3 January 2020

2019 Edmonton Christmas Bird Count Results

Sunday, December 15 2019

2019 ECBC Results

2019 Edmonton Christmas Bird Count  Final Results
# of Bushbeaters: 169
# of Feederwatchers:  262
Total Participants: 431

Total # of Birds:  19270
Total Species: 48

In 2019 we set a couple of records:
Sharp-shinned Hawk - tied a zone record
(3 were counted in zone 10)
Pileated Woodpecker - we beat our own all-time Canadian record
(67 birds counted)

“A List”  Expected Bird Species:   37 out of 45    (19270 individuals)

Mallard  608
Brown Creeper - A Carter
Common Goldeneye  71
Gray Partridge  68
Ruffed Grouse NONE
Rock Pigeon  2068
Cooper's Hawk   NONE 
Sharp-shinned Hawk  3
Northern Goshawk  4
Bald Eagle  7
Great Horned Owl  4
Boreal Owl   NONE
N Saw-whet Owl   1
Three-toed WoodpeckerNONE
Downy Woodpecker  453
Hairy Woodpecker  74
Northern Flicker  63
Pileated Woodpecker  67
Merlin  7
Northern Shrike  5
Blue Jay  497
Black-billed Magpie  2287
Black-capped Chickadee - Manna Parseyan
American Crow  43
Common Raven  289
Blk-capped Chickadee 3276
Boreal Chickadee  27
Red-breasted Nuthatch  498
White-breasted Nuthatch  322
Brown Creeper  11
Golden-crowned KingletNONE
Townsend's Solitaire  5
American Robin  58
European Starling  42
Bohemian Waxwing  1905
Cedar Waxwing  NONE
Mallard - A Carter
Pine Grosbeak  50
House Finch  853
Purple Finch   6
Common Redpoll  95
Hoary Redpoll  ZERO
White-winged Crossbill  11
Pine Siskin  432
Snow Bunting  ZERO
Dark-eyed Junco  166
White-throated Sparrow  6
House Sparrow  4796

Rough-legged Hawk - Chris Rees

“B List”  Difficult To Find  Bird Species: 
Total of 7 species  (88 individuals )
Canada Goose 71
Common Merganser 1
Rough-legged Hawk 1  (Zone 13S)
Snowy Owl 1
Black-backed Woodpecker 12
Prairie Falcon 1
Canada Jay 1

“C List”  Rare Species: 
Song Sparrow - Teresa Androschuk
Total of 4 species (4 individuals)

Peregrine Falcon 1
Mountain Chickadee 1
Fox Sparrow 1
Song Sparrow 1  (Zone 10)

Interested in more detail? 
Numbers by zone CLICK HERE 
Lynn and Arnold Maki
Event Coordinators

Sunday, 6 January 2019

2018 ECBC Results

2018 Edmonton Christmas Bird Count  Final Results
# of Bushbeaters: 220
# of Feederwatchers:  262
Total Participants: 482

Total # of Birds:  16289
Total Species: 47 (+ 2 in Count Week)

“A List”  Expected Bird Species:   39 out of 45    (16055 individuals)

Mallard  506
Common Goldeneye  174
Gray Partridge  49
Ruffed Grouse 1
Rock Pigeon  1582
Cooper's Hawk   ZERO
Sharp-shinned Hawk  1
Northern Goshawk  2
Bald Eagle  11
Great Horned Owl  5
Boreal Owl   ZERO
N Saw-whet Owl   ZERO
Three-toed Woodpecker 1
Downy Woodpecker  465
Hairy Woodpecker  67
Northern Flicker  38
Pileated Woodpecker  57
Merlin  13
Northern Shrike  2
Blue Jay  513
Black-billed Magpie  2037
American Crow  49
Common Raven  396
Blk-capped Chickadee 3153
Boreal Chickadee  13
Red-breasted Nuthatch  531
White-breasted Nuthatch  279
Brown Creeper  9
Golden-crowned Kinglet  2
Townsend's Solitaire  ZERO
American Robin  38
European Starling  8
Bohemian Waxwing  160
Cedar Waxwing  56
Pine Grosbeak  1
House Finch  1011
Purple Finch   4
Common Redpoll  132
Hoary Redpoll  ZERO
White-winged Crossbill  87
Pine Siskin  61
Snow Bunting  ZERO
Dark-eyed Junco  178
White-throated Sparrow  8
House Sparrow  4355

“B List”  Difficult To Find  Bird Species: + 1 CW  (234 individuals )

Canada Goose 224
Lesser Scaup    2
Common Merganser  1
Blk-backed Woodpecker  3
Prairie Falcon  1
Gyrfalcon        1
Evening Grosbeak       1
Red Crossbill   1

Count Week
White Crowned Sparrow  1  

“C List”  Rare Species:  ZERO + 1 CW

Count Week
Peregrine Falcon 1 

Interested in more detail? Numbers by zone CLICK HERE 

Lynn and Arnold Maki
Event Coordinators

Monday, 8 January 2018

2017 ECBC Final Results

FINAL numbers for the Edmonton Christmas Bird Count Sun. December 17, 2017

450 people participated across the city (178 Bushbeaters and 272 Feeder watchers)

38 Species on the "A" List of Expected Birds  (15785 individuals)

Mallard  232
Common Goldeneye  20
Gray Partridge  51
Bald Eagle  2
Sharp-shinned Hawk  1
Cooper's Hawk  1
Northern Goshawk  6
Rock Dove  3663
Great Horned Owl  2
Downy Woodpecker  320
Hairy Woodpecker  41
Northern Flicker  40
Pileated Woodpecker  44
Merlin  15
Northern Shrike  8
Blue Jay  434
Black-billed Magpie  2425
American Crow  31
Common Raven  527
Black-capped Chickadee  2721
Boreal Chickadee  29
Red-breasted Nuthatch  365
White-breasted Nuthatch  189
Brown Creeper  4
Golden-crowned Kinglet  5
Townsend's Solitaire  4
American Robin  50
European Starling  64
Bohemian Waxwing  237
Cedar Waxwing  13
White-throated Sparrow  5
Dark-eyed Junco  135
Pine Grosbeak  135
House Finch  708
White-winged Crossbill  29
Common Redpoll  207
Pine Siskin  152
House Sparrow  2870

 6 species on the "B" List  Difficult To Find (34 individuals)

Common Merganser  2
Rough-legged Hawk  1
Black-backed Woodpecker  7
Gyrfalcon  1
Purple Finch  13
Red Crossbill  10

3 species on the "C" list Rare (1 on Count Day/2 during Count Week)   (3 individuals)

Prairie Falcon  1
Peregrine Falcon 1 CW
Mourning Dove 1  CW

Kim Blomme

Edmonton Compiler

Friday, 30 December 2016

2016 ECBC Final Results

Final Results for the 2016 Edmonton Christmas Bird Count:

# of Bushbeaters: 170
# of Feederwatchers:  286
Total Participants: 456

Total # of Birds:  40,878
Total Species: 47 (+ 1 in CW)

A List  - Expected Species: Counted 39 out of 45

Bohemian Waxwings by Adriana Faciu
Mallard 418
Common Goldeneye 72
Gray Partridge 66
Ruffed Grouse 1
Bald Eagle 4  
Sharp-shinned Hawk 4
Cooper's Hawk 2
Northern Goshawk 3
Merlin 23
Rock Pigeon 3013
Great Horned Owl 6
N. Saw-whet Owl 2
Downy Woodpecker 396
Hairy Woodpecker 54
Northern Flicker 47
Pileated Woodpecker 57
Northern Shrike 4
Blue Jay 472
Black-billed Magpie 2752
American Crow 59
Common Raven 599
Black-capped Chickadee 4119
Boreal Chickadee 36
Red-breasted Nuthatch 585
White-breasted Nuthatch 280
Brown Creeper 7
Townsend's Solitaire 1
American Robin 17
European Starling 191
Bohemian Waxwing 19448
Cedar Waxwing 34
White-throated Sparrow 20
Dark-eyed Junco 138
Pine Grosbeak 5
House Finch 1371
White-winged Crossbill 6
Common Redpoll 402
Pine Siskin 548
House Sparrow 5606
Bald Eagle by Don Delaney

39/45 Species on A List - missing: Boreal Owl, Three-toed Woodpecker, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Snow Bunting, Purple Finch & Hoary Redpoll

 B List  - Difficult to Find:  Counted 4 species on B List

Rough-legged Hawk 1
Gyrfalcon 1
Barred Owl 1
Black-backed Woodpecker  3

Juvenile Gyrfalcon by Adriana Faciu
C List – Rare: Found 4 species!

American Wigeon          1
Prairie Falcon                1
Northern Hawk Owl       1
Chukar                          1 

+ Eurasian Collared Dove 1 - in Zone 13S  CW (count week)

Total species 39 (A) + 4 (B) + 4 (C) for a total of 47 Species

Northern Hawk Owl by Steve Knight
Edmonton Records

House Finch 1371 (previously 1159 in 2015)
House Finch by Ann Carter

Also seen:
Coyote by Lu Carbyn